Frequently Asked Questions


Does Haut have a physical store? 

No, Haut doesn’t have any physical stores at the moment.


What is the delivery time? 

We offer standard and express delivery with an estimated delivery time of 5-7 business days. 


What delivery service is used? 

We use a third-party delivery service of Swyft to facilitate deliveries to our customers nationwide. 


How do I place an order? 

Place your order in 3 easy steps 

  • Add the desired items to your cart and simply checkout 
  • Submit an order with correct delivery and contact details 
  • Wait to receive a confirmation email for your order

Do you have an exchange/refund policy? 

Any product bought from Haut can be exchanged within 2 days after delivery, given it is still in its original condition. Exchange/refund will be entertained if there is an issue with the size or color or if there is any manufacturing defect.